Turco Travel is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its customers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the outbreak, the company has implemented a range of precautions to reduce the risk of infection and promote a safe and healthy travel experience.

Some of the measures Turco Travel has taken include:

  1. Regular Cleaning and Sanitization: The company has increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting its vehicles, offices, and other facilities using approved cleaning products and techniques. This includes wiping down frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, armrests, and seatbelts.

  2. Mandatory Masking: Turco Travel requires all passengers and staff to wear masks at all times while in transit or in company facilities. This is in accordance with local regulations and public health guidelines.

  3. Social Distancing: Turco Travel has reduced the number of passengers per vehicle to allow for adequate social distancing. Additionally, the company has installed barriers between seats where possible to further reduce the risk of transmission.

  4. Temperature Checks: Passengers and staff are subject to temperature checks before boarding vehicles or entering company facilities. Anyone displaying a fever or other COVID-19 symptoms will be denied entry.

  5. Hand Sanitizer Availability: Turco Travel provides hand sanitizer to passengers and staff and encourages its use regularly.

  6. Health and Safety Training: All staff members are trained in COVID-19 health and safety procedures to ensure a consistent and effective response to the pandemic.

By implementing these measures, Turco Travel aims to provide a safe and healthy travel experience for its customers. The company continues to monitor the situation and will update its policies and procedures as needed to ensure compliance with local regulations and public health guidelines.